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A template for making columned lists.


{{ col-list | pos=start | init=... | type=... | lst=... | listitem | listitem | listitem |...}}
{{ col-list | init=... | type=... | lst=... | listitem | listitem | listitem |...}}
{{ col-list | pos=end | init=... | type=... | lst=... | listitem | listitem | listitem |...}}

Use one instance of this template for each column in the list. The first column should have the value of the 'pos' parameter set to 'start' and the last column should have it set to 'end'. the initial values for ordered lists need to be set by hand.

Currently the template supports a maximum of 50 entries per column. It can be easily expanded, however. Leave a note on the talk page if you require more entries.


The template takes the following parameters:

  • pos: determines whether this is a first, last or middle column. Use 'start' for the first colmn, 'end' for the last column, and leave it blank for a middle column.
  • type: 'ol' for an ordered list, 'ul' for an unordered list. defaults to 'ol'
  • init: for ordered lists, the initial value for a given column
  • lst: list style type. the valid CSS values are currently disc, circle, square, decimal, decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-greek, lower-latin, upper-latin, armenian, georgian, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, and none (appropriate to the type of list). defaults to decimal for ordered lists and square for unordered lists


Code Produces
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

  1. E
  2. G
  3. G
  4. H

  1. I
  2. J
  3. K
  4. L
  5. M
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

  1. E
  2. G
  3. G
  4. H

  1. I
  2. J
  3. K
  4. L
  5. M
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

  • E
  • G
  • G
  • H

  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M

Different list style types are not supported on Wikipedia for unordered lists.

See also