Gebz:V1.3 FHIR IG bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery

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Versie door Lilian Minne (overleg | bijdragen) op 6 okt 2023 om 15:38 (Nieuwe pagina aangemaakt met '=bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery= This is a generic profile for conditions related to labor and delivery. Each bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery must have: * a fixed cat...')
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This is a generic profile for conditions related to labor and delivery.

Each bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery must have:

  • a fixed category, specifying that this is a delivery-and-birth-related condition
  • a code, specifying the condition
  • a subject, the pregnant woman
  • performer should be provided if known (this may not always be the case for historical data). performer is the responsible care professional.

Each bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery may have:

  • a reference to the Delivery or Birth Procedure (the Condition is part of). The preferred option for birthcare systems is to include this, but this cannot be guaranteed for external data (such as BGZ).


The entire profile can be found at: bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery


This is a patten for delivery-and-birth-related Conditions in Birthcare. Note that the meta.profile element should preferably include bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery. Again, this may be the case for BGZ.

All FHIR instances which follow this pattern will be valid Birth and Delivery disorder. Other fields from the FHIR profile may be present: this description is a minimal representation.


XML fragment

This is a recipe for delivery-and-birth-related disorders in Birthcare. Note that the meta.profile element should preferably be bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery.

<Condition xmlns="">
    <id value="[[a unique id]]"/>
        <profile value=""/>
    <extension url="">
            <reference value="[[reference to either the birth or delivery | Procedure/wouden-bevalling1]]" />
    [[# clinicalStatus is optional, only when known ]]
    <clinicalStatus value="[[active | recurrence | inactive | remission | resolved]]"/> 
    [[/ clinicalStatus ]]
            <system value=""/> 
            <code value="362972006"/> 
            <display value="Disorder of labor / delivery (disorder)"/> 
            <system value="[[system, preferably from |]]"/> 
            <code value="[[code, to be taken from the relevant valuesets in ART-DECOR | 237320005]]"/> 
            <display value="[[display | Failure to progress in first stage of labor (finding)]]"/> 
        <reference value="[[reference to the Mother Patient | Patient/XXX-VDWOUDEN" />
        <display value="[[display of reference | Patient van der Wouden]]" />
        <reference value="[[reference to the EpisodeOfCare | EpisodeOfCare/wouden-dossier-zwanger1]]"/>

Valuation table

The FHIR profiles are independent of dataset versions, the mappings are not.

(The values in column 'Code' can be found on Simplifier as a binding on the code on this profile.)

Dataset 2.3 mappings

PWD 2.3 to FHIR
Type # Concept System Code Display FHIR element ValueSet
BL.png 82530 PPROM? 312974005 Preterm premature rupture of membranes (disorder) code
BL.png 82531 PROM? 44223004 Premature rupture of membranes (disorder) code
BL.png 82532 Koorts? 386661006 Fever (finding) code
BL.png 82533 Niet vorderende ontsluiting? 237320005 Failure to progress in first stage of labor (finding) code
BL.png 82534 Niet vorderende uitdrijving? 249166003 Failure to progress in second stage of labor (finding) code
BL.png 82535 Verdenking foetale nood? 609415007:246090004=12867002 Suspected fetal distress affecting management of mother (situation) code
Container.png 82536 Intra-uteriene vruchtdood code
BL.png 82537 Vermoeden intra-uteriene vruchtdood? code
BL.png 82541 Vastzittende placenta? 109894007 Retained placenta (disorder) code
BL.png 82542 Fluxus postpartum? 47821001 Postpartum hemorrhage (disorder) code
Container.png 82291 Diagnose bevalling 439401001 Diagnosis (observable entity) code
TS.png 82381    Datum assertedDate
BL.png 82338 PPROM? 312974005 Preterm premature rupture of membranes (disorder) code
BL.png 82290 PROM? 44223004 Premature rupture of membranes (disorder) code
BL.png 82292 Koorts? 386661006 Fever (finding) code
BL.png 82293 Niet vorderende ontsluiting? 237320005 Failure to progress in first stage of labor (finding) code
BL.png 82294 Niet vorderende uitdrijving? 249166003 Failure to progress in second stage of labor (finding) code
BL.png 82296 Verdenking foetale nood? 609415007:246090004=12867002 Suspected fetal distress affecting management of mother (situation) code
BL.png 82295 Vastzittende placenta? 109894007 Retained placenta (disorder) code
BL.png 82398 Fluxus postpartum? 47821001 Postpartum hemorrhage (disorder) code

Dataset 3.2 mappings

PWD 2.3 to FHIR
Type # Concept Reference Profile System Code Display FHIR element ValueSet
Container.png 9882 Probleem (Kindspecifieke maternale problemen) 1591 bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery
Container.png 3196 Probleem (Maternaal) 1564 bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery
Container.png 1564 Probleem (Maternaal) bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery
CD.png 1565    ProbleemAnatomischeLocatie bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery bodySite ProbleemAnatomischeLocatieCodelijst
CD.png 1566 ProbleemLateraliteit bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery ProbleemLateraliteitCodelijst
CD.png 1567    ProbleemType bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery category ProbleemTypeCodelijst
CD.png 1568 ProbleemNaam bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery code ProbleemNaam_Maternaal
CD.png 7917    Vermoeden iuvd op basis van bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery evidence.code IUVD methode
TS.png 1569    ProbleemBeginDatum bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery onsetDateTime:onsetDateTime
TS.png 1570    ProbleemEindDatum bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery abatementDateTime:abatementDateTime
CD.png 1571    ProbleemStatus bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery clinicalStatus ProbleemStatusCodelijst
CD.png 1572    VerificatieStatus bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery verificationStatus VerificatieStatusCodelijst
ST.png 1573    Toelichting bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery 48767-8 Annotation comment note
Container.png 1591 Probleem (Kindspecifieke maternale problemen) bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery
CD.png 1592    ProbleemAnatomischeLocatie bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery bodySite ProbleemAnatomischeLocatieCodelijst
CD.png 1593    ProbleemLateraliteit bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery bodySite.extension:Laterality.valueCodeableConcept:valueCodeableConcept ProbleemLateraliteitCodelijst
CD.png 1594    ProbleemType bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery category ProbleemTypeCodelijst
CD.png 1595 ProbleemNaam bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery code ProbleemNaam_KindspecifiekMaternaal
TS.png 1596    ProbleemBeginDatum bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery onsetDateTime:onsetDateTime
TS.png 1597    ProbleemEindDatum bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery abatementDateTime:abatementDateTime
CD.png 1598    ProbleemStatus bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery clinicalStatus ProbleemStatusCodelijst
CD.png 1599    VerificatieStatus bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery verificationStatus VerificatieStatusCodelijst
ST.png 1600    Toelichting bc-DisorderOfLaborAndDelivery 48767-8 Annotation comment note