Gebz:V2.3 FHIR IG Retrieve
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{{#customtitle:FHIR Implementation Guide Geboortezorg v2.3 Retrieve view| FHIR Implementation Guide Geboortezorg v2.3 Retrieve view}}

This page details the HL7 FHIR requirements for retrieving a view for a particular use case. Use cases examples are:
- Regular consultation
- Obstetric intake
- Acute referral
- etc.
Usually the use cases for retrieving views will not match those for registering data one-on-one; however in the first case, Prio1, we've chosen to use the same scenario for registering and retrieving.
Use case: Retrieve Prio1 view
The Register Prio1 transaction is requested by the receiving XIS from the registry. The retrieval is facilitated by two tables:
- Table with all FHIR resources to be retrieved, along with necessary query parameters
- Table with designations of all codes (Snomed CT, LOINC) in a chosen language.