MedMij FHIR Implementation Guide basic BgPZ data
This material is in draft and not final yet! |

[verbergen]1 Introduction
The page describes the FHIR requirements for exchanging BgPZ information between the patients and healthcare providers in the context of MedMij.
Note: This implementation guide builds on the general guidelines described in the use case overarching principles.
2 Actors involved
Actors | Systems | FHIR Capability Statements | |||
Name | Description | Name | Description | Name | Description |
Patient | The user of a personal healthcare environment. | PHR | Personal health record | ![]() |
FHIR Client requirements |
Healthcare professional | The user of a XIS | XIS | Healthcare information system | ![]() |
FHIR Server requirements |
3 Boundaries and Relationships
The BgPZ use case has similarities and differences with other use cases such as the BgZ, Medication Process, Vital Signs, GP Patient Data and Lab Results. These use cases use much of the same HCIM based FHIR profiles for exchanging information. Wherever possible every attempt is made to re-use the profiles as used in the BgZ. The BgPZ use case also has unique profiles compared to the aforementioned use cases. A second thing to note is that while the selection criteria of certain sections like procedure do not match with the BgZ or other use cases, this does not affect the profiles in use. For example, it is irrelevant for the response profile for procedures if you request ' surgical procedures' or 'every procedure'.
4 Use case: retrieve BgPZ information
This FHIR implementation guide assumes that the PHR system is able to make a connection to the right XIS that contains the patient's information. It does not provide information on finding the right XIS nor does it provide information about security. Moreover, each transaction is performed in the context of a specific authenticated patient, for whose context (token) has been established using the authentication mechanisms described in the 'Afsprakenstelsel'. Each XIS Gateway is required to perform filtering based on the patient associated with the context for the request, so only the records associated with the authenticated patient are returned. For this reason, search parameters should not be included for patient identification.
4.1 PHR: request message
The PHR system requests the patients BgPZ information using individual search interactions. The BgPZ consists of multiple FHIR resources with certain constraints. To obtain the patient's BgPZ, the client can use multiple individual search operations based on specified search queries. The interactions are performed by an HTTP GET as shown:
GET [base]/[type]{?[parameters]}
The table below shows in the first three columns the HCIM name in Dutch, in English and what HCIM content is requested. The last column shows the FHIR search queries to obtain this information. These queries and expected responses are based on profiles listed in this section.
BGpZ Section | HCIM NL | HCIM EN | Content | Search URL[1] |
Zorgverlening | Zorgepisode | Maternal record | GET [base]/EpisodeOfCare?type=|364320009 | |
Contact | Birthcare related encounters (e.g. prenatal visit, postnatal follow-up, counseling, birth assistance) | GET [base]/Encounter?episodeofcare=[recordid] | ||
Zorgteam | Care team | GET [base]/CareTeam?context=[recordid|encounterid] | ||
Verwijzing | Referral request (CIM) | GET [base]/ReferralRequest?context=[recordid|encounterid] | ||
Informed Consent (CIM) | Informed consent | GET [base]/Consent?purpose=[] | ||
Zorgverlener | HealthProfessional | General Practitioner of the patient | see Patient, CareTeam | |
Zorgaanbieder | HealthProvider | General Practitioner's organization of the patient | see Patient, CareTeam | |
Vrouw | Patient | Patient | Identification, birthdate, gender, contact details, marital status, legal status, and general practitioner (practitioner or organization) | GET [base]/Patient?_include=Patient:general-practitioner |
BurgerlijkeStaat | MaritalStatus | Known marital status | see Patient | |
NationaliteitRC | Known nationality | see Patient | ||
Etniciteit (CIM) | Known etnicity | see Patient | ||
Taalvaardigheid | LanguageProficiency | Known language proficiency | see Patient | |
ParticipatieInMaatschappij | ParticipationInSociety | All known participation in society status | GET [base]/Observation?code=|314845004 | |
Opleiding | Education | see Patient | ||
Contactpersoon | Contact | First relation/contact | see | |
BehandelAanwijzing | TreatmentDirective | All known treatment directives | GET [base]/Consent?category=|11291000146105 | |
Anamnese | Probleem | Problem | All known problems | GET [base]/Condition |
Verrichting | Procedure | All known procedures | GET [base]/Procedure | |
Allergies | AllergyIntolerance | All known information regarding allergies | GET [base]/AllergyIntolerance | |
FamilieAnamnese | All known family member history | GET [base]/FamilyMemberHistory | ||
Medicatiegebruik | Medicatiegebruik | MedicationUse | All known medication use | GET [base]/MedicationStatement |
Metingen | Bloeddruk | BloodPressure | Blood pressure measured during prenatal visit | GET [base]/Observation?code=|85354-9 |
Lichaamsgewicht | BodyWeight | Body weight measured during prenatal visit | GET [base]/Observation?code=|29463-7 | |
Lichaamslengte | BodyHeight | Body height measured during prenatal visit | GET [base]/Observation?code=|8302-2 | |
Bloedonderzoek | LaboratoriumUitslag | LaboratoryTestResult | Blood group, rhesus D, rhesus C | GET [base]/Observation?code=|883-9 GET [base]/Observation?code=|1305-2 GET [base]/Observation?code=|1159-3 |
Zwangerschap | Zwangerschap | Pregnancy | GET [base]/Condition?code=|364320009 | |
Drugsgebruik | DrugUse | All known drug use | GET [base]/Observation?code=|228366006 | |
Alcoholgebruik | AlcoholUse | All known alcohol use | GET [base]/Observation?code=|228273003 | |
Tabakgebruik | TobaccoUse | All known tobacco use | GET [base]/Observation?code=|365980008 | |
AlgemeneMeting | GeneralMeasurement | GET [base]/Observation?code=[code] | ||
BevindingGeboortezorg (CIM) | GET [base]/Observation?code=[code] | |||
Hartfrequentie | GET [base]/Observation?code=[code] | |||
Bevalling | BevallingOntsluitingsfase | GET [base]/Procedure?code=|236973005 | ||
BevallingUitdrijvingsfase | GET [base]/Procedure?code=|236973005 | |||
BevallingNageboortefase | GET [base]/Procedure?code=|236973005 | |||
Probleem_Maternaal | GET [base]/Condition?category=|362972006 | |||
Verrichtingen_Maternaal | GET [base]/Procedure?category=|386637004 | |||
Kind | Patient | Patient | Identification, birthdate, gender | GET [base]/Patient |
ApgarScore | ApgarScore | 1 minute, 5 minute, 10 minute Apgar Score | GET [base]/Observation?code=|9272-6,|9274-2,|9271-8 | |
Lichaamsgewicht | BodyWeight | Birth weight | GET [base]/Observation?code=|8339-4 | |
Lichaamslengte | BodyLength | Body length at birth | GET [base]/Observation?code=[code] | |
ApgarScore | ApgarScore | ApgarScore at birth | GET [base]/Observation?code=|9271-8 GET [base]/Observation?code=|9274-2 GET [base]/Observation?code=|9272-6 | |
Schedelomvang | Headcircumference | Headcircumference at birth | GET [base]/Observation?code=|169876006 | |
Lichamelijk onderzoek kind | Probleem | Problem | Congenital and chromosomal disorders | GET [base]/Condition?category=|414025005 |
Verrichting_Kindspecifiek | Child specific procedures during birth | GET [base]/Procedure?category=|386637004&part-of=[birthid] | ||
Probleem_Kindspecifiek | Child disorders | GET [base]/Condition?category=|414025005 | ||
LaboratoriumUitslag | Child laboratory observations | GET [base]/Observation?code=[code] | ||
Medisch onderzoek | Echouitslag (CIM) | Ultrasound observations | GET [base]/Observation?code=[code] | |
Echoresultaat (CIM) | BodyLength | Pregnancy ultrasound report | GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?code=133601000146101,241493005,414880004,446522006,446208007,425551008,472825005,7751000146103 | |
Foetale monitoring (CIM) | ||||
Observatie UterusActiviteit (CIM) | ||||
Bevindingen Vaginaal toucher (CIM) | Digital vaginal examination report | GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?code=|51597003 |
- Omhoog ↑ See Search URLs and search parameters for the interpretation of these search URLs
4.2 Server - XIS
The returned data to the PHR should conform to the profiles listed in #List_of_profiles.
4.3 List of profiles
The profiles represent their entire respective HCIM and are applicable in a broader context than the exchange of BgPZ information.
MedMij uses the FHIR Packaging mechanism. This conveniently bundles all examples, profiles and other conformance resources you need into a single archive, which can be downloaded or installed using the appropriate FHIR tooling. This version of the information standard uses the following packages: Note: any other version with the same major.minor version is compatible. See Semantic Versioning for more information. |
Example instances of FHIR resources can be found on Simplifier. Please note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of any information standard..
5 Terminology, NamingSystems, Mappings
5.1 Terminology
Relevant ValueSets can be found through the ValueSet bindings in the listed StructureDefinitions. All ValueSets can be found here here and can be downloaded as a .zip in XML or JSON format.
5.2 NamingSystems
Relevant NamingSystems can be found here.
5.3 Mappings
A FHIR ConceptMap resource is provided when a FHIR value set is used instead of a HCIM value set. A ConceptMap maps the values between the two value sets. These ConceptMaps can be found here.
An explanation about mappings can be found at Mapping of coded concepts.
6 Release notes
Release notes can be found on the functional design page.