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The table below lists the information standards that Nictiz develops and administers for use within MedMij. Which version of an information standard is to be used, is determined by the MedMij-gegevensdienst as listed in the MedMij-catalogus. Each gegevensdienst is connected to one specific version of an information standard (or, more specific: to a system role within a version of an information standard).


The information standards used within MedMij are based on generic components like zibs, SNOMED, FHIR, et cetera. The aim is to base standards as much as possible on the same (versions) of these components, so that developed solutions can be re-used across standards. For this reason, MedMij information standards are released as part of editions: that is, "packages" with the same dependencies.

For example, the overview below shows that all standard within MedMij edition 6 are based on zib publication 2020 and on FHIR R4. They also use the same overarching functional design and the same FHIR implementation guide. On the other hand, it shows that a solution developed for MedMij 5 is not directly suitable for MedMij 6, because they are based on different zib versions, different FHIR versions, et cetera.

MedMij edition 6 MedMij edition 5 MedMij edition 4
6.1.5 2020.02 2020.01 2019.01
AllergieIntolerantie (AllergyIntolerance) 3.0.41 2.1.2
Basisgegevens GGZ 2.0.43 1.2.2
Beelden (Images) 2.0.41 1.1.2
BgLZ 3.1.23 2.0.25 1.1.2
BgZ 3.1.26 2.2.2
Dossierwijzigingsverzoek (Patient Corrections) 1.0.19
eAfspraak (eAppointment) 2.0.41 1.2.2
Huisartsgegevens (GP data) 2.0.44 1.2.2
Laboratoriumresultaten (LaboratoryResults) 2.0.41 1.2.2
Medicatieproces (Medication Process) 9.0.7
PDF/A 3.0.45 2.1.2
Vaccinatie-Immunisatie (Vaccination-Immunization) 1.0.17
Vragenlijsten (Questionnaires) 2.0.43 1.1.2
Zelfmetingen (Vital Signs) 2.0.43 1.3.2
Shared dependencies
MedMij functional design 1.0.2 2020.02 2020.01 2019.01
Zib publication 2020 2017
FHIR version R4 STU3
FHIR package for the zibs nl-core 0.11.0-beta.1 Zib2017 2.2.20 Zib2017 1.3.19
MedMij FHIR IG 1.0.5 2020.02 2020.01 2019.01
MedMij qualification 1.0.5 2020.02 2020.01 2019.01

Versioning policy

Nictiz has adopted the SemVer methodology for version numbers, as dictated by the Duurzaam Releasebeleid. The focus of this approach is to communicate which versions of a product are compatible with each other. All information standards and all partial products have a version number based on SemVer. Starting with MedMij edition 6, this is also true for the editions themselves (the "packages" with the same dependencies). The older active editions, which were based on year numbers, have been given a retrospective SemVer version number: 2020.0x = 5, 2019.01 = 4.

Some implications of this approach are:

  • All version numbers consist of three parts: major.minor.patch. When referring to some version number, every higher version number with the same minor part can be used. For example, if an information standard uses a FHIR package with version '2.1', the '2.2' or '2.3' packages are equally valid, but not '2.0' or '3.1'.
  • Within an edition, all information standards have their own version number. This version number bears no direct relation to the version number of the overarching MedMij edition; information standards follow their own life cycle within the borders of an edition. The version number also bears no relation to the version of the MedMij-afsprakenstelsel.
  • A version number can have an addition like '-alfa.x', '-beta.x' or '-rc.x'. This means that the version is not stable yet. Unstable information standards will usually not be used within a MedMij-gegevensdienst.
  • During the life cycle of an edition, new (versions of) information standards can be added. By definition, this does not affect the information standards already present within the edition. Information standards can also be deprecated within an edition (in which case they will be crossed out in the table).
  • A new information standard cannot be introduced within an edition when its dependencies are not compatible. This standard can only be introduced as part of a new MedMij edition.
  • In theory, it is possible that an edition will contain two or more incompatible versions of the same information standard, with different major version numbers. This can occur as long as they all have the same dependencies.

Active versus passive maintenance

Edition 4 (2019.01) is passively maintained. This means that only maintenance is performed which is deemed essential. MedMij editions 5 (2020.01, 2020.02) and 6 are actively maintained.

Deprecated information standards

Information standards are deprecated at the end of their life cycle. For historic comparisons, the penultimate version remains available in the release overview. Older versions can be found in the overview below.


MedMij information standards are subject to Nictiz qualifications. Qualification is done per system role. Information about qualifications can be found on each page regarding the information standards in the table.


For questions and change requests regarding the information on this page, please create a ticket in Servicedesk Portal.